Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bad Blogger

I'm clearly not very good a 'blogging', I should probably just set a schedule and try to adhere to it. We are currently sitting at LeBonheur waiting for Ying to go back to surgery to get tubes put in her ears. The ENT wants us to get the tubes put in before we fix her palate, so thats what we are doing. This is a day procedure, so we should not be here too long. We got in at 10:30, and were taken back to our room about 11:00am. Her surgery is set for 14:00, and a little before that we will go back to the Bunny Room to build her a baby to take with her to surgery. We have about 2 hours to go, and Ying hasn't eaten anything since about 22:30 last night. She hasn't had anything to drink in about 2 hours now, but she isn't complaining. She has mommy's iPhone, I believe she is currently bowling, which she LOVES, especially when she knocks the pins down. Hopefully we can keep her occupied enough that she will forget about food and drink.

We left Matt with Grammy and Poppy last night so that we could keep sister up as late as possible, and pump her full of snacks. Matt was more than happy to stay the night with Grammy, and Ying seemed happy to not have brother around as well. She is totally different when he is gone. Tons of chatter, and the house is VERY VERY calm. She watched Toy Story 2 in the computer room for almost an hour. When she walked around the corner Robyn almost jumped because she forgot she was even awake.

Other than Dr visits and surgery, everything else has been going great. The kids love each other, they play very well together. They have started getting one another out of bed in the mornings and coming into the bedroom together to watch Disney while we are getting ready. Ying will go to bed about 19:30 at night, and not fight too much. Matt fights it really really hard though. Some nights he is still awake past 2200 making noise and singing and reading books. Hopefully as the weather gets warmer he will get some of that energy spent getting to play outside. We have to check on him when he is awake in his room. More than once we have gone in and he is naked or changing his pajamas. Last week he had a dirty diaper, and he changed out of his pajama pants, and diaper, and put a new diaper on. We didn't get on to him about it, he was attempting to do the right thing, but we had to clean the carper a bit, and he got an unscheduled shower, lol.

Lastly, we need a freaking VACATION. Mom and Dad, and the kids! We are going back to Disney in October again, and it will be Yings first time. She LOVES the Disney channel and Toy Story, so I'm sure that will go well. We are taking several friends with us, so I'm sure the kids will have a blast. That is October though, waaaaaayyyyy to far away for my liking. I would like to go somewhere as soon as our vacation rolls back around at work, which is June. We have no idea where to go though. The kids are older, and are simply not content to sit in a stroller and go anywhere random. They NEED to get out and run, especially Matt. I'm looking at something beach related, maybe even Disney World if I can get a steal on someone trying to get rid of a reservation. I have looked around a little bit, but not much.

Oh well, little one is headed back now so I'm going to close this out. I'll post updates when we are done.

1 comment:

Kiy said...

I've been looking at Gulf Shores as a possible "cheap" beach vacation. I stumbled on this:
www.gulfshoresplantation.com and it looks like it might have potential. I just need to chat with hubby about a vacation - we need one too, he's just mired in work right now.

Good luck with the tubes and all!

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